Fox Host: If You Don’t Want To Be Seen Unfavorably, Stop Blowing People Up [VIDEO]

Liberals are up in arms over a statement by Fox News host Jon Scott.  Here is his offending quote:

“Do we remember who the bombers of the Boston Marathon were? Just an aside to the Muslim community: ‘If you don’t want to be portrayed in a negative light, maybe don’t burn people alive and set off bombs and things like that.”

Samantha Chang at BizPac Review reported:

Fox News anchor Jon Scott is being crucified by liberal media for making a blunt observation about Muslims on Easter Sunday.

Scott made the remarks on Fox & Friends while discussing “Homeland” star Mandy Patinkin, who admitted that the show made a deliberate effort to portray white men as the bad guys in season 6.

Patinkin said “Homeland” executives pushed their pro-Islam agenda…



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