Former Penn State Scumbags Face Sentencing For Sandusky Scandal

Ex-Penn State President Graham Spanier and two other former school administrators are facing sentencing for child endangerment for failing to report now-convicted sexual predator Jerry Sandusky to authorities.

Prosecutors are seeking jail time for Spanier at Friday’s hearing in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Sentencing guidelines call for up to a year in prison.

A graduate coaching assistant told administrators that he saw Sandusky molesting a boy in a football team shower in 2001. But Spanier, former athletic director Tim Curley and former vice president Gary Schultz didn’t report him to child welfare authorities or police.

Sandusky was not arrested until a tip in 2011 led investigators to interview the shower witness. Sandusky is now serving a 30- to-60-year sentence for abusing 10 boys, but is appealing. Spanier also plans to appeal.

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