FBI seizes 15,000 Person ISIS Kill List – Doesn’t tell ANYONE who is on it

How low can our government go?

It’s a scary question, but this is pretty low. It has been discovered that the terror group ISIS released a “Kill List” for as many as 15,000 Christian Americans.

This “Kill List” was to be used to encourage lone wolf radicals to go and actually kill these people.

That’s bad, but it gets worse. The FBI found out about this. The FBI has the list. The FBI never bothered to warn the Christians who were targeted that had made the ISIS hit list!

Wouldn’t that have been an important piece of information for about 15,000 people to know?

From Charisma News:

According to a report recently made public, early this year, ISIS specifically identified 15,000 Christian Americans for death and instructed jihadists already in America to begin widespread murder.

The Kill List report comes in the wake of ISIS already publicly warning American…



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