Facebook Facing Lawsuit From Refugee in Germany

A Facebook selfie has gone viral, for all the wrong reasons, and now the website is facing a lawsuit.

The legal action comes from a Syrian refugee named Anas Modamani who took a selfie with Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, to celebrate her allowance of up to one million Syrian refugees into her country.  That selfie has been a serious detriment to Modamani, who is now suing Facebook.

“On a September day in 2015, Syrian refugee Anas Modamani took one of Germany’s most emblematic selfies. Snapping himself alongside Chancellor Angela Merkel during her visit to his Berlin shelter, he captured an image that became a symbol of her momentous decision to allow more than 1 million asylum seekers into Germany.

“It also turned Modamani into the target of far-right conspiracies. Fake stories and doctored photographs first linked him to the March 2016 terrorist attacks in Brussels, then to the Berlin Christmas market…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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