Ex-prosecutor: Obama, not Comey, let Hillary skate

Former FBI Director James Comey testifies before a House committee Sept. 28, 2016.

The recent disclosure that then-FBI Director James Comey prepared a statement letting Hillary Clinton off the hook for her abuse of classified information more than two months before his public announcement shouldn’t be a surprise, according to a former federal prosecutor.

Comey simply was following a defense strategy voiced by President Obama in April 2016 and leaked by the State Department a month later “of concocting a crime no one was claiming Clinton had committed,” said former assistant U.S. attorney Andrew McCarthy, writing in National Review’s blog The Corner.

President Obama (White House photo)

Obama, his Justice Department and Comey insisted the bar for prosecuting Clinton was evidence she had transmitted classified information with an intent to harm the United States.

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Art Moore

Art Moore

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