Ex-NYC Top Cop: ‘Lunatics’ on Both Sides in Charlottesville

Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik told Newsmax TV on Tuesday that both the racist groups who participated in Saturday’s deadly Charlottesville rally, as well as the counter-protestors who clashed with them, must be investigated by the feds because “there are lunatics on both sides.”

In interviews with Miranda Khan on “America Talks Live,” and with Rita Cosby, guest host of “The Schnitt Show,” Kerik said some of the counter-protestors were “just as bad as the neo Nazis, just as bad as the white supremacists.”

“The people that were protesting on the opposite side, these people make communists look like socialists. There’s a website that’s posted on many of those banners . . . an extreme communist website that these people belong to,” Kerik said.

“These are the same people ripping down these monuments and destroying property. I think they’re just as bad as the neo-Nazis, just as bad as the



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