Drudge Report Cyber Attack Certainly Not The Last of its Kind


As the world begins a long, arduous, and educational path into the confusing new world of media cybersecurity, one attack is dominating the conversation.

Matt Drudge’s “The Drudge Report” was the victim of a massive cyber attack this week, which has been heralded by many as a sign of things to come.

The Drudge Report, a conservative web portal responsible for an unbelievable amount of web traffic directed toward other media outlets, was recently attacked via cyber-bullies in an attempt to overload their servers and damage the site’s ability to function.  Many believe that this type of attack is just the first in a new war over the content of the internet, and a guerrilla form of liberal censorship.

“The popular right-leaning web portal, The Drudge Report, was briefly knocked offline last week. Incidents like this will only become more common until policymakers or tech companies get serious about fixing connected…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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