Drain the Swamp

In America today most people choose their favorite brand of the ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBCPBSNPR Cartel based on the charisma of the newsreader and don’t waste their time tuning into other news options.

What are the criteria for their choice of a news outlet? Does the news reader look or sound authoritative?  Are they better looking?  Do they have a more pleasing voice?  Are they a Male?  Are they a female? Are they Gay? Are we not sure?  Whatever the reason, it isn’t because they say anything different.  It often sounds like they all have the same writers and story selectors.  The content is no different.

Do you want to hear the story about how the Republicrat Elite is going to stop the Trump agenda before or after you hear the story about how the Donald is not fit for the highest office in the land or after?  Do you want to learn



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