Over the last year or so, we’ve documented just how right Adams has been about culture and electoral politics.
Now, in the wake of the recent tumult over President Trump’s tweets about MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, Adams is back to explain how Trump’s Tweets will destroy the world… and most Americans can’t take a joke.
Here’s a link to my Periscope video explaining how President Trump’s mean tweets about Morning Joe will destroy everything you love. Wake up, people! It’s common sense! Tweets kill!
On a totally unrelated topic, I have confirmed that 30% of the public can’t identify a joke without the help of a service animal.
In the video below Adams with tongue planted firmly in his cheek, explains how Trump’s tweets were “destroying” everything (you’ll notice that Adams is actually explaining that Trump is doing a lot of good and the media is ignoring…