Diary Of A Mad Black President: Friday July 8th, 2016

Diary Of A Mad Black President: Friday July 8th, 2016


Dear Diary,

What’s up my dawgs! It’s been a rough week, you know? I thought that the last few months of me being the Commander and Chief would be like one big vacation. Playing basketball on the court in the backyard of the White House, going on trips, getting ready for my life of retirement. Did I get that? No. 

I had to spend my time with the Big Hill. First, she makes me pull strings for her in the FBI so she won’t be indicted. Cool, whatever, you help a brother out when you can. Plus, she’s hooking me with some “benefits” while she’s President, so it was a win-win. Yet, she doesn’t stop there. That girl is greedy. She comes to me and asks if I’ll go campaigning with her. What!? Hill…we’re not friends.



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