Detroit EMT Thinks All White People “Should Be Raped And Killed”

Yes, it’s Halloween and THIS is some scary stuff! This is what happens after 8 years of Obama in office as the ‘Divider-in-chief’.

Kimberly Asaro, a former veteran emergency medical technician is suing the Detroit Fire Department as she was made to feel “unsafe” after filing a complaint about a fellow EMT, Willie Bragg.

Her complaint came after reading a HIGHLY disturbing Facebook post on his Facebook page that stated “White men, women and children should be raped and killed. White people should be used as alligator bait. Whites should be enslaved and beaten, like they had done to African-Americans.”

The Detroit Fire Department said that Bragg’s incendiary Facebook post was protected by the First Amendment, and did not penalize him. He then began to threaten her.

To clarify:

 Black EMT states all white men, women and children should be raped and murdered = protected speech. Nothing to see



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