Dems Are Falling Apart As They Push Pelosi Out


“I am pulling the fire alarm right now, is what I’m doing in the Democratic Party,” Ryan said of his challenge to Pelosi. So Ryan, who launched his bid on Thursday, proposes changes such as elevating junior members to positions of leadership.

The Ohio congressman running to unseat Nancy Pelosi as House minority leader said Monday that the Democratic Party is playing with fire.

Rep. Tim Ryan said on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria” that President-elect Donald Trump’s victory – combined with the GOP protecting its majorities in the House and Senate – sent a clear signal to lawmakers that “working-class” Americans had “flipped their middle finger to the establishment.”

“I am pulling the fire alarm right now, is what I’m doing in the Democratic Party,” Ryan said of his challenge to Pelosi. “I believe we are in denial of what’s happened, and I’m pulling the fire…



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