Democrat Stance: ISIS Not A Threat

Mum’s The Word When It Comes To Terror (Image: MGN)

Two days into the DNC and nobody has as much as mentioned ISIS or the Islamic State. People are dying, priests are being brutally murdered in front of their congregations and the Democratic party hasn’t said anything. In fact, Obama claimed the Western world is the safest it has been because of his policies. John Kerry even came forward and said that “air conditioners are as dangerous as ISIS.”

The National Security Editor for Breitbart News, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, told Fox New’s Sean Hannity that it was disturbing that the Democrats have yet to mention ISIS or the Islamic State two days into their National Convention.

Gorka said, “A pregnant woman murdered yesterday, a priest beheaded in front of the altar at a Catholic mass — this is incredible. They can’t talk about it, because if they do, they’ll admit that…



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