Decorated Navy Seal Caught Moonlighting as a Porn Star

Decorated Navy SEAL Chief Special Warfare Officer Joseph John Schmidt III is under investigation as it is discovered that he starred in nearly 30 porn movies under the alias of Jay Voom.  His movie credits include “Interracial Foursome,” “Black Mailed by Step Mom,” along with its sequel “Black Mailed by Step Mom 2.”  He performed many of his scenes with his wife a former Penthouse pet currently ranked the 79th most porn-star by popularity.

The U.S. Navy is now launching an investigation into Schmidt, who did not respond to comment to the Tribune. “We have initiated a formal investigation into these allegations. There are very clear regulations which govern outside employment by (Naval Special Warfare) personnel as well as prohibitions on behavior that is discrediting to the service,” SEAL spokesman Capt. Jason Salata told TheSDT. Schmidt’s…



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