DACA deal ‘existential threat’ to U.S.

An activist group that has helped defeat several amnesty bills says the White House’s new 70-point immigration plan – which asks for concessions from Democrats in exchange for allowing “Dreamers” to stay in the U.S. – would be the death of the nation.

The White House proposal – seeking to fulfill promises that got Trump elected – includes completing the border wall, more deportation agents and cracking down on sanctuary cities, chain migration, unaccompanied minors and visa overstays.

Among its 70 points are 39 improvements to enforcement and 27 regarding border security. At least four more address the legal immigration system.

“Anything that is done addressing the status of DACA recipients needs to include these three reforms and solve these three problems,” a White House source told the Washington Times. “If you don’t solve these problems then you’re not going to have a secure border, you’re not going to have a lawful immigration system and you’re not



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