Criminals Masquerading as Mayors in Sanctuary Cities!

“Wherever law ends, tyranny begins.”-John Locke

It was reported by Aamer Madhani, a White House reporter under Barack Hussein Obama’s criminal administration, that big city mayors have vowed to defy the law and President Donald Trump regarding sanctuary cities harboring illegal aliens.

Aamer reported, “As you may know, back in Jan 26, 2017 several big city mayors across the U.S. vowed to defy President Trump’s executive order that threatens to cut off federal funding to cities that offer some sort of protection to illegal immigrants in their communities.”

The question is, how did they approve the funding in the first place?

Furthermore, the Law does not protect illegal aliens.  It prosecutes them.

Aamer continued, “The pushback came from these mayors came as Trump signed a long-anticipated executive order that directs the government to identify federal money it can withhold to punish so-called ‘sanctuary cities.’”

Since when did the federal government…



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