Coward Govt Blame Christain Values For Terrorist Attack

Authorities believe the terrorist attack on Dec. 2, 2015, in San Bernardino may have been triggered by a mandatory employee training session and lunch replete with holiday decorations. Now this might be the immediate, proximate cause of the killings, but they had obviously been planning the attack for many months.

The San Bernardino terror attack claimed 14 lives and stunned the nation, but a new development in the narrative being put out to explain it should shock every American even further. According to police, they believe that the Christmas party was the cause of the bloody attack by the Islamist extremist couple.

Authorities believe the terrorist attack on Dec. 2, 2015, in San Bernardino may have been triggered by a mandatory employee training session and lunch replete with holiday decorations, including a Christmas tree, that shooter Syed Farook was forced to attend.

Emails discovered by the FBI and police…



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