Could Russia Become America’s Strongest Ally in Trump’s America?

Michael Flynn, President Trump’s National Security Advisor, resigned Monday evening amid speculation of improper ties to Russia. Flynn was (and still is) a loyal Trump supporter. But now the liberal media is at it again and throwing Flynn under the bus for doing what he believed was in the best interest of his president and his country.

Could Russia Become America’s Strongest Ally in Trump’s America?

But was what he did really so bad?

Flynn was helping secure ties with Russia, who could end up being our strongest supporter as the rest of the world picks fights with President Trump.

On one hand you have China, a country constantly undervaluing its currency so it can outbid the U.S. on products and deals around the world. China has already threatened the U.S. if America gets involved in South China Sea affairs.

People are concerned about a trade war with…



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