Congress Looking Into New Possible Evidence That Obama Administration Spied On Trump

In the midst of all the controversy surrounding President Trump’s Tweet that the Obama Administration spied and wiretapped Trump Tower, Congress is preparing to inspect evidence that may show that organizations such as the National Security Agency did spy on Trump. The NSA is expected to produce documents that may show a “smoking gun” pointing at surveillance of Trump under the guise of legitimate monitoring of foreign targets.

Obama Administration Spied On Trump

Attorneys and congressional investigators are expected to have a handle on these extensive documents by some point next week. House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes, R-CA, has spearheaded the effort to collect and organize evidence pointing at Obama’s efforts to collect communications that were sent and received by Trump and members of his presidential campaign. Some of the information is classified, so Nunes was deliberately vague about their contents when talking to reporters.

“What I’ve read…



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