Confirmed Foreign Powers Hacked Hillary: Time To Charge Her With Treason

“We’ve learned that there is a confidence from these sources that her server had been hacked,” reported Baier. No information was given as to which foreign agencies would have hacked Clinton’s server, but one would be worrisome enough.

According to FBI sources, we can put to rest any belief that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server was not hacked.

Reporting on the FBI findings Wednesday, Fox News’ Bret Baier reported the recent findings of the federal agency’s probe into Hillary Clinton’s emails, and came away with a startling discovery.

“We’ve learned that there is a confidence from these sources that her server had been hacked,” reported Baier. “And that it was a 99 percent accuracy that it had been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and they believe things have been taken from that.”

No information was given as to which foreign agencies…



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