COMMENTARY: “Woulda Coulda Shoulda” Trump’s Lackluster Debate Performance

For many months we’ve heard and read politicians, so-called journalists and pundits alike espouse their belief that Donald J. Trump is not really a Republican. They question his commitment to Conservative ideals at every turn, perhaps uncomfortable with the prospect of a President who does not tow the party line, perhaps concerned that a true political outsider will dismantle the feeding trough of the American trust which has enabled them to become fat and comfortable. But they forget the core principles the Republican Party were founded on and fail to recognize them in Trump’s speeches, interviews, policy papers and Tweets. For those who still doubt that he is really a Republican, they would do well to keep in mind that his lackluster performance in the first Presidential Debate, which was at least a draw, demonstrated the more important core Republican trait: the ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of…



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