Commentary: Liberals Are Really A Bunch Of Girls

This past week one of my accountability experts, Pete, at one of my gym’s decided to start a beach body class that consists of a combination of calisthenics, free weights, squirt guns and bikinis. Pete was instructing the total body workout class without a shirt on and he made a flyer that let women know that it was $8 dollars if you wore normal gym attire and only $3 if you wore a bikini. The flyer also said, ” Get ready for the beach this summer! No Chubbies! Do not come if you love Political correctness and are no fun.”

Now the overwhelming majority of the gym and ladies thought the flyer was both comical and entertaining. However, there were a few disgruntled and angry liberals who could not handle any strong man putting out such a statement. One deranged and emotional 21 year old who is an intern at Telemundo…



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