Comic Creator Takes Hard Stance on UC Berkeley Liberal Riot


Last week, an ugly scene developed on the campus of UC Berkeley, and the aftermath has created turmoil for the ultra liberal campus.

UC Berkeley is facing harsh criticism of their lack of response after liberal students rioted last week.

After gay conservative Milo Yiannopolous’ appearance on campus was canceled due to violent leftist students literally burning and rioting their way through the evening, many have taken the university to task for their weak response to the violent censorship.  Now, one famous alumni is taking a financial stand.

“Dilbert creator Scott Adams announced in a blog post that he will stop donating to this alma mater, UC Berkeley, in the aftermath of the riots that erupted on campus last week in response to a scheduled event featuring Breitbart editor MILO.

“Adams, who earned an MBA degree at UC Berkeley, announced that he is terminating his support of the public institution over concerns…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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