Comey Releases Prepared Testimony: It Backs Up Trump

Former FBI Director James Comey released his prepared testimony Wednesday, the day before he is scheduled to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee. According to his prepared document (embedded below), President Trump did not pressure him to stop the Russian investigation, nor did he pressure him about Gen. Flynn (although he did ask him about Flynn). Additionally, Trump was accurate when he said that Comey had assured him that he was not personally under investigation.

Among the issues issues addressed by Comey:

First time Telling Trump he wasn’t under investigation: His first meeting with Trump was on January 6th at Trump Tower. After a meeting with the entire intelligence community, Comey stayed after everyone left to warn the President-elect about the salacious Trump Dossier, a bogus document that supposedly revealed Trump’s activities with prostitues in Russia  In that context, prior to the January 6 meeting, I discussed with the FBI’s leadership…



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