CNN Spent Year Failing to Verify Trump Story, STILL RAN IT


In what could be considered the journalistic equivalent of a 5th grade schoolyard fight, CNN has just taken their unabashed Trump bashing to an unprecedented level.

On Tuesday night, social media was abuzz with story regarding Donald Trump, Russian prostitutes, perverted acts, and blackmail by the Kremlin.  This all stemmed from a leaked report which was being held by American intelligence agencies claiming that the President-Elect was being compromised by the Russians for a combination of the items included in my previous sentence.

Donald Trump has now been the victim of a massive “fake” news hoax by CNN.

Not surprisingly; none of it has been substantiated.  Not one iota.  The Russians and Trump have both denied the entire report as “fiction”, and evidence has been discovered on the infamous prankster website 4Chan from months ago stating that the entire thing was a hoax played on the media.

The real…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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