CNN Anchor Left Speechless After Syrian Survivor Thanks Trump On Live TV [VIDEO]

A survivor of an Aug. 21, 2013 Sarin gas attack on his village called “Moadhamiyeh” in West Damascus, Syria told Breitbart News he is grateful for President Donald Trump’s strike against the Syrian military, which is a complete turnaround from President Barack Obama’s puzzling acceptance of President Bashar Assad and his regime.

“I want to tell President Trump with all my heart: Mr. President, as a Syrian and as a chemical weapon survivor, I want to thank you for taking action against the dictator, who has been killing us for more than six years,” said Kassem Eid, who spoke to Breitbart News from his home in Germany.

Eid was the subject of a 2015 60 Minutes report by Scott Pelley.

The chemical attack was delivered by missiles from Damascus, he said.

“My heart…



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