China Sends Threat to Trump Regarding Trade Ties

Donald Trump has once again become the target of a Chinese threat regarding his forthcoming presidency and how he’ll be expected to handle the communist superpower.

China has begun issuing direct threats to the United States in an attempt to corral Donald Trump.

In recent months, China has made it very clear that they are no fans of the U.S. President-Elect, scolding him in November for taking a congratulatory phone call from the leadership in Taiwan after winning the 2016 election.  Now, China has skipped the chastising and opted for direct threats against Trump.

“Chinese state media warned U.S. President-elect Donald Trump that he’ll be met with ‘big sticks’ if he tries to ignite a trade war or further strain ties.

“’There are flowers around the gate of China’s Ministry of Commerce, but there are also big sticks hidden inside the door — they both await Americans,’ the…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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