China Pushes War with America Once Again

Donald Trump’s presidency has seemingly irked the Chinese in unfathomable ways, as they continue their war of words with the United States.

China’s beef with the United States has escalated in recent months, with the Far East nation now claiming that war with the U.S. is inevitable.

It all began as Trump accepted a congratulatory phone call from the leadership of Taiwan, something that the Chinese government felt was an enormous “no-no” for an incoming U.S. President.  Hence, the Chinese then scolded President-Elect Trump publicly in an attempt to humiliate him – a classless move by a country who considers themselves to be a world superpower.

Now, we have more rhetoric from the Far East.

“War with the US under Donald Trump is ‘not just a slogan’ and becoming a ‘practical reality’, a senior Chinese military official has said.

“The remarks were published on the People’s Liberation Army website,…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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