China Honors Trump With Statue As It Rings in New Year 2018 as ‘Year of the Dog’!

Thanks to Trump. China had a booming year in retail. To thank Trump for his support, China is saying thank you with a big statue in Trump’s honor. They will even ring in the New Year 2018 as ‘Year of the Dog’ in China.

As reported in the Conservative Tribune it seems a mall in China erected a statue of Trump as a gigantic dog, symbolizing 2018 being “Year of the Dog” in China.

FashionWalk, a shopping mall in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, erected the statue that contains many of Trump’s notable features, including his power red tie, his finger pointing upward, and his signature hair style.

A Chinese shopping center is bringing in the Year of the Dog with a dog statue inspired by US President Donald  in the city of Taiyuan, in northern China’s Shanxi province.

As noted by Newsweek, Trump was born in 1946, the



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