Chief Lieawatha Pays Women on Her Staff 20% Less Than Men [VIDEO]

Elizabeth Warren Like Hillary Clinton are always complaining that women are paid less than men for the same work.  But Warren pays women 20% less than men and Hillary pays 22% less.  It never ceases to amaze me how liberals seem to thrive on hypocrisy.  But neither of them suffer from wage inequality.  Warren gets paid as much as any man in the Senate for the same work and corporations and foreign countries have always bribed Clinton at the same rate they bribe democratic men.

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren on average pays her female staffers $20,000 less than her male staffers.

Male staffers in Warren’s office took home a median annual salary of $73,750 in 2016, according to an analysis by the Washington Free Beacon, while female staffers brought home a median of $52,750…



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