Celebrity Puppets Of Obama Support Immigration

Celebrity Puppets Of Obama Support Immigration (Image: MGN)

Obama using his office in the White House to get what he wants is nothing new. Yet, with this recent act of puppetry, may have reached an all-time low.

June is Immigration Heritage month and Obama is using that as ammunition to get the people of America thinking about the positives of immigration (no doubt another one of his schemes to stop supporters from voting for Trump). He’s not doing it alone though, the master never does his own work, he has his puppets do it for him. According to Fox News, the White House Director of Public Engagement recently sent out emails to a handful of A-List celebrities with “talking points” that the Obama administration hoped they would post on to social media. 

Not only were short talking points given but hashtag ideas were also in the email, such as #ImmigrantHeritageMonth…



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