Celebrities Turn To Witchcraft To Oust President Trump


There are a wide variety of liberal ploys to stymy President Donald Trump’s presidency, but none so far have been quite as bizarre as what we learned of this week.

Desperate times call for desperate tactics, according to Lana Del Ray, a famous singer turning to witchcraft to oust President Trump.

We recently reported that a coven of so-called witches were working to unite other such occultist gatherings to cast a massive spell on the 45th President of the United States.  Now, it looks as though some celebrities are getting in on the paranormal parlance to further their assault of democracy as well.

“Following in the footsteps of Lady GagaLana Del Rey is attempting to use witchcraft to remove Donald Trump from Presidency.

“’At the stroke of midnight,’ the famed singer Tweeted. ‘Feb 24, March 26, April 24, May 23… Ingredients can be found online.’

“Observers noted these dates line-up with the ‘waning crescent moon ritual dates,’ dates…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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