BREAKING! VP Pence Tells The United Nations: NO MORE MONEY!

The United States has for decades paid the lions share of the money that the United Nations uses for all of its pet projects and now the Trump administration is saying we will “do it ourselves without you!”

The United States is the largest donor to the United Nations, contributing about $611 million this year to the regular budget of more than $2.5 billion.

Washington also contributes more than $2 billion annually to peacekeeping, and hundreds of millions more to programs, including the U.N. Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Program.

In a speech this week, Mike Pence was happy to announce that the Trump administration was no longer going to rely on the United Nations to be the only ones in charge of giving out funds earmarked to aid persecuted Christians in the Middle East.

The Veep made the announcement at the Solidarity Dinner for Christians in



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