Breaking: Trump Says ‘We Will Deal With North Korea With or Without China’

Move over China! If you will not deal with North Korea, then America will! President Trump has declared that we’ve had enough of waiting around.

Financial Times reports:

“China will either decide to help us with North Korea or they won’t. If they do, that will be very good for China, and if they don’t, it won’t be good for anyone.”

China has already proposed a “double halt” approach. It would ensure that North Korea’s nuclear program is suspended. However, the US dismissed that proposal, and NK is still testing missiles and working on their program.

CNN reports: In a briefing on March 9, Mark Toner, the acting State Department spokesman, said: “There’s no equivalence between North Korea’s illegal missile and nuclear activities and what is our lawful, longstanding joint security exercises with our allies in the region.”

North Korean state media has slammed the drills, accusing the countries…



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