Breaking! Barney Frank Admits Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Was Set Up to Purposely Bypass Congress!

Our founding fathers purposely set up checks and balances and Barney Frank admitted this week that he and Elizabeth Warren PURPOSELY bypassed that when they set up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or the CFPB.

“When we wrote the law creating the CFPB, and we deliberately tried to give it some protection from the normal political process,” Frank said on CNN’s “New Day.”

Passed in 2010, the Dodd-Frank Act established the CFPB and called on the bureau’s deputy director to serve as acting director between Senate-confirmed chiefs. Cordray promoted English, his chief of staff, to the deputy director position shortly before resigning from the Bureau on Friday.

No wonder President Trump threw the lying Senator Elizabeth Warren out into the news cycle, as she is headed for a brick wall she created a few years back.

Warren set up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to operate above any



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