As Legalization Spreads, Houston Takes Bold Stance on Pot

The national legalization of marijuana seems nearly inevitable at this point, with the libertarian stance on the subject achieving mass appeal among American citizens.

The Harris Country D.A. is no longer interested in prosecuting small time marijuana offenders.

Over 30 states are already working with some form of legal or decriminalized weed, in many cases as a response to the overwhelming issue of opiate dependency fueled by the ridiculous, corporate greed of the big pharmaceutical industry.  Now, in Houston, Texas, prosecutors are taking a unique approach to the ever-evolving marijuana landscape.

“Texas’ Harris County, which includes Houston, will no longer arrest or prosecute most marijuana possession cases under four ounces starting on March 1, the county district attorney and city officials said in a press conference Thursday.

“Harris County D.A. Kim Ogg and Houston city officials instead unveiled a new diversion program they say will steer thousands of…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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