Are Standing Rock Protestors Nothing More Than Domestic Terrorist?

“We are just not going to allow people to become unlawful,” said Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier, a veteran of the North Dakota Highway Patrol and National Guard His department’s job of policing the protesters — the vast majority who’ve been camping on federal land that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says it’ll close in December for safety concerns. “Social media has been very bad and it has turned out like law enforcement is building the pipeline,” he said. “I can’t stop the pipeline. My job is to enforce the law.”

MANDAN, N.D. – Don’t look for apologies from the North Dakota sheriff leading the response to the Dakota Access oil pipeline protests, especially for the recent — and, in some circles, controversial — action against demonstrators who he believes have become increasingly aggressive.

“We are just not going to allow people to become unlawful,” said Morton County…



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