Angry Dad’s 8 Words Shut Down School Board For Teaching Kids Sharia [Video]

What ever happened to the separation of church and state? If the public school system which is run by the government can’t teach Christianity or celebrate Christianity, it certainly shouldn’t be allowed to teach about Islam either. This is just more of the left wing’s agenda getting pushed through the door of education. It needs to stop!

When these parents in San Diego found out Islam was being taught to their children…they went beserk!

Parents were reportedly furious after learning that the San Diego School Board of Trustees partnered with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, to launch an anti-bullying campaign. The campaign involves educating children about Islam, with the purported goal being to help students learn to respect each other.

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that the campaign became controversial after it was picked up by conservative websites, but Trustee Kevin Beiser defended it, saying that there



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