And Mueller Indictment Goes To….

And the indictment goes to…Paul Manafort and his former business associate Rick Gates. Multiple sources are reporting that both were told to surrender to federal authorities Monday morning, the first charges in a special counsel investigation, according to a person involved in the case. All signals are the charges have nothing to do with the Trump campaign.

Per a Buzzfeed report from Sunday, the investigation into the former Trump campaign manager focused on a series of suspicious wire transfers in which offshore companies linked to Paul Manafort moved more than $3 million all over the globe between 2012 and 2013 (notice this was years before he worked on the Trump campaign)

Now, BuzzFeed News has learned that investigators have been scrutinizing at least 13 wire transfers between 2012 and 2013. The transfers were first flagged by US financial institutions, which are required by law to tell an office within the



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