ABC Correspondent Claims Country Divided Like “Civil War”

ABC News has pushed the possibility of another Civil War in their efforts to taint Trump’s inauguration.

From their nonstop coverage of the possibility of a disaster during the inauguration, to the parading of liberal guests onto every news format possible, the mainstream media is putting together a hefty, albeit completely fabricated, vision of Trump’s inauguration in which our great nation is ready to burst into flames.  Now, one correspondent on ABC took the rhetoric to the next level.

“During the 8:00 hour, Robin Roberts asked ABC’s Chief Political Analyst Matthew Dowd what he ‘expected to hear’ from Donald Trump today. Instead of the gushy response about hope and unity that ABC relayed during Obama’s inauguration, Dowd compared today to a divided America at war with eachother:

“DOWD: ‘Well, I think we’re obviously in unprecedented times with a lot of things that happened unexpectedly including election day for most people in…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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