A Convention of the States What Are They Afraid Of?

The Founders had one great fear; that a time would come when the Federal Government would overstep its bounds and come to dominate the individual States.  Can anyone reading this dispute that this is such a time?

Look at our State governments.  They are so addicted to Federal money they can’t exist without it.  And they can’t get it without enough strings attached to turn them into little more than marionettes.  They prance upon the stage masquerading as independent actors.  In reality almost every step, every hand movement, every program, policy, and mandate is choreographed in the imperial capital.

The Founders saw this coming from more than 200 years away.  And they made a provision for it.

Article V of the Constitution states:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of



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