Obama’s Law Is Letting Illegals Stay In Our Country

Dinan explained on Fox Business Tuesday that, thanks to a 2009 policy passed by President Barack Obama, all an immigrant needs to do is show “credible fear” of returning to their home country in order to not be sent back. “It’s literally one out of every 10 illegal immigrants that the agents and officers are encountering at the border who are now using these magic words.”

Illegal immigrants who are caught by border police or who show up to United States ports of entry are using “magic words” to avoid being deported, according to a new report.

Washington Times correspondent Stephen Dinan explained on Fox Business Tuesday that, thanks to a 2009 policy passed by President Barack Obama, all an immigrant needs to do is show “credible fear” of returning to their home country in order to not be sent back.

Typically, Dinan explained, immigrants will use phrases like,…



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