Dem Lawmaker: Colic, Sleepless Nights, Or Disabilities Are Good Reasons To Abort

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In a video recently discovered from a debate in the Iowa House in 2014, Democrat, Beth Wessel-Kroeschell pulls off the mask and admits that abortion on demand for really any reason is cool.

She speaks soft and sweet like she is reading a bedtime story, but her words mean death to many unborn children.

Amazing glimpse into the mind of someone who is fine eliminating another life because it’s inconvenient, cries too much, or doesn’t have any value.


DES MOINES, IA, February 12, 2014 – A Democratic state representative suggested during a debate on the Iowa House floor that babies’ persistent cries, habit of interrupting their parents’ sleep, and learning disabilities might justify abortion.

Beth Wessel-Kroeschell said that “we as women know about babies – we love them, we adore them.”

“But we also know that they have the challenges they bring,” she continued.




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