Paid Seat Fillers At The Dem Convention Because UNITY

The Democratic convention is a show. The show needed to look like a full room of happy unified Democrats.

How do you do that?

Step 1 – Get rid of the Bernie people

Step 2 – Fill the empty seats with paid seat fillers

From Info Wars:

A Bernie Sanders delegate says that the DNC is replacing Bernie supporters with paid seat fillers in order to create a fake image of “unity” as the convention goes into its final day.

Every seat in the house is full – so those seat fillers you guys were hearing about? It’s real, they’re in here now,” states the delegate.

He went on to explain how the seat fillers were people he did not know and hadn’t seen at the convention previously.
The man goes on to note how the arrival of the seat fillers coincided with the media narrative that the DNC…



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