Diary Of A Mad Black President: Friday July 22nd, 2016
Dear Diary,
Whaddup players! This week has been unbearable. It’s the one week out of the year that I can’t stand. All those dumb Republican’s are getting all cocky and confident because this week is the Republican National Convention. Gross. Who would ever want to go to that? It’s like a bunch of drunk rednecks on a pontoon boat in the middle of some lake, all talking about how great T-Rump is. That’s sounds like my living hell, and not just because I’m half black.
So yeah, Trump accepted the Republican nomination, who cares. Been there done that buddy. Besides, my acceptance at the Democratic National Convention way back in…when was it? 2007? 2008? One of those…My speech was ten times better than that orange skinned reality star. Then, his wife…who I have to admit is…