Obama Supports Killer Islam

Obama Is Cuckoo For Muslim Puffs And It’s Hurting America (Image: MGN)

Bill O’Reilly went on the Fox News Channel yesterday, to discuss how Obama’s love for Muslims is drastically hurting America. “Barack Obama’s father, who abandoned his family, was a Muslim who eventually turned atheist. Then his mother married another Muslim, moving young Barry Obama to Indonesia.” We get that Obama grew up in the midst of the Muslim world, but he isn’t there anymore…this is America. “He should make defeating the jihad a central issue and stop trying to diminish Islamic terrorism by avoiding the simple truth – radical Islam is a direct threat to the entire world.”

Bill O’Reilly had some words to say on the Fox News Channels “Talking Points” segment on Wednesday about President Obama. It’s clear that O’Reilly, like the rest of us, is not happy with Obama’s obsession with the Muslim world. He went…



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