Warning: Video Contains Harsh Language
Another great video by Paul Joseph Watson in which he slams all things SJW or social justice warriors.
Watson dissects the SJWs mindset and why we always see them being so loud and destructive. After all, if you are a sane well-adjusted member of society it seems counterintuitive to also be breaking things and yelling at strangers as a means of trying to get your way. I mean we never saw Martin Luther King crying and sobbing as he made his inarticulate demands to random people on the street, right?
“Psychologically speaking, social justice warriors are mentally stunted toddlers who throw a fit when they don’t get their own way because they never learned to interact like normal humans. There so full of righteous indignation because there inflicting revenge on the world for their own deprived childhood.” Watson says.
Holy crap! It all makes…