Putin/Ukraine UPDATE: Should Trump Withdraw from NATO? | Ep 421

It’s clear the U.S. has carried Ukraine and NATO on its back for years, but should Trump make good on his threats and leave NATO forever? The Biden status quo and military spending kept Russia’s war on Ukraine going, with no end in sight. Now the Trump administration has brokered the first mutual ceasefire agreement of any kind between Russia and Ukraine since this war began three years ago. Critics call it the bare minimum, but could this be the first real step toward ending the war? Glenn heads to the chalkboard to give a full breakdown on America’s deepening ties with Ukraine since 2008 — from the billions in military aid to the Biden family’s shady connections to Trump’s impeachment over that infamous phone call with Zelenskyy. Has America’s commitment to Europe gone too far? Glenn gives a history lesson on the Cold War roots of America’s NATO alliance and wades into the debate: Is NATO a peace pact or a war trap?

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