Something has changed in America, for the better. Have you noticed that the cowboy, the rugged west, is making a comeback? It’s something that has been in every American, for a very long time. And it has been waiting for us to listen to it. The press and mainstream media couldn’t figure out Yellowstone at all. But it wasn’t the vigilante stuff that attracted us to Yellowstone. It was justice. A line. Somebody was drawing a line in the sand. A common sense line that said: “You know what? Some things matter too much to let slide.” It’s the cowboy. But what does the cowboy represent? A handshake that means something. A promise you don’t break, because your word is the only thing you own. It’s taking your hat off for a woman. It’s saying “Yes, ma’am. No, sir.” Because respect isn’t optional. It’s standing up, not just for yourself, but for your family. For your land. Your way of life. The things that are worth defending.
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