The Stock Market Crash Nobody Thinks Possible Has Begun!

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Things are looking gloomy on Wall Street. The stage is set for a ruthless stock market crash, but everyone keeps denying that this gigantic bubble even exists. However, the ideal setup for a crash happens exactly when people are thinking that a crash is impossible. Of course, the market needs a good number of unsuspecting fools to keep fueling the final rally and add to the gains of the wealthy while the minions are unexpectedly left empty-handed.
Now, most investors are still believing that this time is different. Few are brave enough to come forward and warn that a massive crash is coming. The vast majority of warnings these days are carefully measured murmurings about an impending “correction,” but those are just euphemisms to signal to the smart ones that it’s time to leave. That’s what financial expert, economic analysts, writer, and former investor Charlie Hugh Smith has described in a series of articles published this month. 
The analyst argues that those who insist on denying the risks are making a deliberate choice not to be honest because, in that way, they can lure more puppets to fuel the bubble to its highest point. On the other hand, those who have made great fortunes in previous booms know this peak only lasts for a second, and they know precisely when it’s time to go. 
That’s why he is stepping forward to call for “a rip your face off, weeping bitter tears over the grave of the speculative wealth that you thought was forever” type of crash. The coming stock market crash will be a result of several mutually reinforcing dynamics, starting with the widespread illusion that everything is just fine and there’s nothing to worry about in the near term. However, there are many determinants that could end up being casual triggers of the next cascading Wall Street crash. 
As Smith notes, nothing can support the blind confidence in the idea that extremes of over-valuation, leverage, euphoria, and speculation will last forever, or even for much longer. “We’re well past that benchmark into unprecedented insanity,” he says. The only possible outcome from now on is The Collapse. The entire market has already reached its peak. On August 13, the Dow topped out. On September 2, the S&P 500 topped out. And on September 7, the Nasdaq topped out. Now, the big guys are just enjoying the last moments to reap their colossal gains before everything implodes. But no one is talking about that. No one is exposing what is truly happening. 
Even though it’s remarkably easy to be carried away by a bubble mania, it’s remarkably difficult to open your eyes to the bubble’s inevitable collapse. But this game has always existed on Wall Street: As the financial analyst explains, the big guys see that the top traders are in, “and in order to sell all their shares, they need to recruit a bunch of ‘bagholders’ to buy their shares and hold them all the way down”. Once the catastrophic losses have been taken by the ‘bagholders’, then the wealthy controllers of the market slowly build up their positions amidst the wreckage.
“The only problem with the if we don’t call the bubble a bubble, it won’t pop magic mantra is that it has an expiration date,” the expert warns. “Human greed is unlimited, the number of currency units that can be issued by central banks is unlimited, the number of NFTs that can be originated is unlimited, and magical thinking has no limits, but enough of the assets being inflated in the Everything Bubble have faint ties back to the real world such that the distortions in the imaginary world of infinite wealth end up distorting the real world, which is much less forgiving than the imaginary one,” Smith cautions.
At this stage, the retail ‘bagholders’ are going all-in. Now, we’re witnessing the final rally that is going to close this quarter on a positive note to make it look like everything is still right on track. However, as the retail crowd pours more cash into the Everything Bubble than they did in the past decade or two, the elites controlling the market have initiated their sell-off on the side, while repositioning themselves to profit from the decline. “This is of course the most reliable signal that the bubble is about to pop,” Smith warns. While the cowards are setting things up to take everything from us once again, the voices of the brave ones are being silenced amid this frenzied crowd. The stock market crash nobody thinks is possible is right at the corner. And it will spark a catastrophe that will mark the beginning of the end.”

Epic Economist

Epic Economist

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